Let me start with my view: I hope health plans will significantly expand their value-based care arrangements in the coming year while simultaneously ensuring their models are viable and a win-win [...]
“The patient must be first. It’s not about what’s cool or let’s see what we can do with it. [We need to be asking:] How is [AI] helping my patient? How does it help providers get out of the [...]
There is a widely held belief among healthcare experts that value-based care can reduce healthcare costs, improve healthcare coordination and quality of care, and help to alleviate physician [...]
Most employers choose to self-fund health benefits for their employees. In 2023, for example, 65 percent of covered workers were in a self-funded or administrative services only (ASO) health [...]
In today’s competitive job market, healthcare remains among the top considerations that influence a person’s decision to join or leave a company. Employers must be able to offer competitive [...]
Another article on Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Yes, but instead of assessing the extensive technological possibilities, I would like to broaden the focus to consider business value as well as [...]
Among the countless changes underway in the healthcare space, one market trend is particularly intriguing for its potential to disrupt the entire ecosystem. Value-Based Care (VBC) programs seek [...]
NASCO’s Vice President of Product Management, Linda Leigh Brock, has been with the company for nearly a dozen years and has more than 25 years of experience in information technology across [...]